- In the nineteen thirties, a song brother can you spare a dime was very popular in the United States. 在一九三零年代,有一首名为“兄弟,可否赏我一毛钱”的歌曲在美国特别风行。
- Can you spare a cigarette for me? 给我根烟行吗?
- Brother, can you spare a dime. 老兄,能借给我一角钱吗?
- Mr.smith, can you spare a minute? 史密斯先生,你能耽搁一会儿吗?
- Can you spare a dime? 能给我一毛钱?
- Bother, Can You Spare a Dime? 兄弟,你能施舍一角钱吗?
- Can you spare a few minutes,Xiao Wang? I want to have a word with you. 小王,你能抽出几分钟的空吗?我想和你说句话。
- Can you give me a dime for two nickels? 你能不能用两个五分镍币给我换一个一毛的镍币?
- Can you spare a few minutes, Xiao Wang? I want to have a word with you. 小王,你能抽出几分钟的空吗?我想和你说句话。
- Can you give me a dime for two nickels ? 你能不能用两个五分镍币给我换一个一毛的镍币?
- Oh, Mrs. White, can you spare me a minute? 哦,怀特太太,你能为我抽出一点时间吗?
- Can you spare me a few litres of petrol? 你能匀给我几公升汽油吗?
- Can you spare some paper for me? 你能匀出一些纸给我吗?
- Can you spare me a few litres of petrol ? 你能匀给我几升汽油吗?
- "Sir, can you spare a sweater or jumper or coat for me? I'm running a fever and afraid I might freeze to death tonight," pled the homeless man. “先生,行行好,给件衣服吧,俺还发着烧呢,再冻下去怕是捱不过今晚了。”
- Can you spare me a few minutes of your time ? 我能耽搁你几分钟吗?
- Oh,Mrs. White,can you spare me a minute ? 哦,怀特太太,你能为我抽出一点时间吗?
- Mr. Brown, could you spare a few minutes? 布朗先生,你能抽出一点儿时间吗?
- Can you spare me a few liters of petrol? 你能匀给我几公升汽油吗?
- Could you spare a technician to come over? 你们可以派个技术员过来吗?